Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 2 and Some Extra Goodness

Day 2 is done! I am sore. And tired. And my jello-like arms can barely support my hands to write this post. But I finished. And I didn't have the same....issue as yesterday. Hooray! I did this workout. I also did 3 miles on the treadmill at work on my lunch break. I know working out is never easy, but I don't remember it being this hard. I don't mean physically, I mean finding the motivation. Fortunately I've got this blog and some great friends holding me accountable. My point is, however, that I know it will get easier. Once it becomes habit and routine, I like to think I won't dread it quite as much. Anyway, my sweet husband got home right at the end of my workout. He was impressed that I kept my lunch down.

Post workout. 

 With my bored dogs fan club.
On a baby note, I tried cereal with Weston tonight. It was cute, but mostly just messy. He ate quite a bit though. And smeared almost as much all over his face.

And then looked so cute I could have kissed him for hours after his bath. But he is in a moody phase these past few days so I snuck in about a minute's worth of sugar then called it quits.

By the way, I work out after I put my little pumpkin to bed. I think a lot of people have chill babies who just sit there and entertain themselves for 10, 15, 30 minutes at a time. I don't have one of those babies. He has a 2 minute attention span and is quite verbal about his need for someone to hold/carry/play with him. Because of this it's difficult to work out, cook, clean, go to the bathroom, and/or relax while little one us up. I enjoy it since I don't get to see him all day while I'm at work, but some days it's just plain exhausting. Babies are hard, by the way. In case you didn't know. A whole post on that to come.

1 comment:

  1. I think you need to add some Bikram Yoga into your routine. : )
