Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 5: A day off

I wasn't planning for Sunday to be my day off for the week, but Matt came home and we ran some errands, got home late (meaning 7:30, which is late in baby-time), and I decided to take the night off. I used the evening to prepare my lunches and snacks for the week. I made salads for each day of the week and put mixed berries into containers to take as afternoon snacks.

I have found that preparation plays a HUGE role in my eating habits. I can write out the menus, make the lists, buy the groceries, and plan on eating healthy all week, but if I don't go ahead and chop my veggies, make my salads, and even grill chicken ahead of time (for lunches), I find myself throwing a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner. Or I rush out the door in the morning without making my lunch and wind up eating a burger and fries. Boo. And spending $$ on that burger and fries. Double boo. Don't get me wrong, I like burgers and fries. And pizza. And mexican food and chocolate and chips and cheese. But I'm trying to get healthier. I'm trying to make changes that will turn into habits that will give me a healthier life.

So tonight, I reunite with Jillian Michaels.

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