Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hiccup...Day 8

I feel good today. I woke up at 5:15 and did Ripped in 30, then did another 15 minutes of a Jillian Michaels ab video. But I have to admit, I skipped Tuesday and Wednesday. Boo. Boo on me. But you know what? That's ok, because I'm not stopping or quitting or throwing away the entire week. I'm sticking with it. I have bad days, but I'm moving forward!

I have been struggling with the issue of when to work out. In the evenings? But I just. want. to. relax. I go all day and after I put Weston down, I like to spend time with my husband, pick up my house, clean my kitchen, take a bath....not work out.

I could work out right when I get home. Yeah right. With a 4 month old baby who gets fussy in the evening? I can't squeeze 10 minutes of uninterrupted time in when Weston is awake, much less 45 minutes. And you know what? I don't want to work out when Weston is still up. I only get to spend about 2 hours with him in the evening and I'm not willing to sacrifice that time to workout, even if he were to sit there quietly. That's good quality mama and baby time and I eat up every second of it.

So how about lunch at work? Well....I guess I could work out then. And I did once. But then I'm all sweaty and have to scarf down my lunch. And I just feel like a hot mess for the rest of the day. Plus I use my lunch break to run to the grocery store at least once a week so I don't have to go after work. So...lunch isn't a good option either.

Mornings? But I'm tired. No, I'm exhausted. EXHAUSTED! 6:30 rolls around too early as it is. Why would I want to change that to 5:15?? I wouldn't. I don't. So mornings don't work either.

You see the pattern? Do you??!? No good time to work out. I wish I was one of those people who had a good time to work out. Wait...THOSE PEOPLE DON'T EXIST.

I (you...we) can make excuses all we want, but the truth is, you have to MAKE time to exercise. It's never going to be convenient, and you're always always ALWAYS going to have something you'd rather be doing. But I want to get stronger, healthier, and leaner. I want it more than an extra hour of sleep. I want it more than a bubble bath. I want it more than a chocolate chip cookie. I want it bad! So I'm going to continue to work towards it. One day at a time.

When do you work out? What do you use as motivation? How do you stay consistent and what do you do when you have an 'off'' day?


  1. Amy..I have such a struggle working out too!I totally agree with you, finding the right time and motivation is the hardest part. I have a goal to work out at least 4 times a week. Working out could mean speed walking, going on a bike ride, jogging, lifting weights, etc. for at least 30 minutes a day. I guess you could call this "motivation", but every Sunday I am held accountable by my roommate to let her know how many days I worked out. For every day I miss that week, I owe her a dollar. Since I don't have much $$ to begin with, my money is precious to me, and I don't want to lose any of it! I don't have set days, I just work around my schedule. So if I work out ten minutes here and there throughout the day, as long as I've worked out 30 minutes that day, then my goal is accomplished! Hope this helps :)

    1. Hey Sarah! Thanks for filling me in on your motivation...Moolah!! I think I'm going to start something like this for me....although I might use cleaning as my punishment. That ought to help me be accountable. 30 minutes of extra cleaning for every day I skip. My base boards would love it, but I would not. Congrats on the upcoming wedding! And I'm diggin' your fiance's name ; )

  2. I love Sarah's idea of accountability and Amy, cleaning would definitely be a BIG motivation for me too. All those annoying jobs you always put off would be the only one's that I would let myself count. Baseboards, window ledges, vaccuming and dusting closets... sweeping the garage or porch...polishing some of that dumb silver I was excited to get but annoyed to own, haha! Those are the WORST jobs in my house. Let's see how this goes.. haha!
